Summerville Tree Lighting and Christmas Celebration

December 01, 2020 • Community Events, Event Events, Events

We invite you to join us for the 2020 Old Time Summerville Christmas Celebration event on Tuesday, December 1 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. This event will be a modified version of the Town’s traditional tree lighting ceremony. The event will follow strict social distancing guidelines set by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. In read more

The Ashley River Park

11.11.2020 • Community Events, Community News, Event News, Featured, News & Events

In 2015, Dorchester County Parks & Recreation staff asked for public feedback on the needs for recreation in Dorchester County. There was an overwhelming response that event spaces, multi-use green spaces, trails, fishing and waterway access were the top priorities. To the rescue is the new 85-acre Ashley River Park. This unique green space on read more

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