summers corner is home to many winged residents, too. that’s why we’ve created custom habitats for some of our feathered friends. keep your eyes open for purple martins, carolina wrens and brownheaded nuthatches (to name just a few).
summers corner is home to many winged residents, too. that’s why we’ve created custom habitats for some of our feathered friends. keep your eyes open for purple martins, carolina wrens and brownheaded nuthatches (to name just a few).
much of our landscaping incorporates native plants — the selections we make help bring in pollinators, provide habitats for wildlife and help protect our water sources.
the trails in summers corner include everything from quarter-mile strolls to 3.8-mile loops. and along the way you’ll encounter neighborhood parks like archer park, summers park and helix park. we’ve expanded the idea of home to include gardens, parks and walking paths.