Bass & Bream Fishing Clinic
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Buffalo Lake
1609 Beech Hill Rd, Summerville, South Carolina 29485

Join Master Guide Marc Deschenes of VIP Adventures for thisclinic that’s packed-liked-sardines full of the best tips and tricks of the trade. With over 25 years of experience and vast knowledge of the sport and of Buffalo Lake, Marc will impress anglers of all types.
This is not just another crappie clinic! Come ready to learn. And ready to fish! Bring your pole – a spinning cast combo rod & reel is recommended to support the variety of jigs and lures provided. Marc will also have a few rods on hand and available for purchase.
Buffalo Lake is a healthy, fresh-water lake that is naturally stocked and ready for you try out some new techniques and have a great catch day! Class is geared for adults. Teens & young adults with previous fishing experience are welcome as well.
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