The buzz on 2017 at Summers Corner

A few weeks into the brand new year, we’ve been reflecting on a wonderful 2016, and still reveling in our win as Best New Community by the Charleston Home Builder’s Association. We’re harnessing that energy to plan for an even more fantastic 2017! Here’s a little peek at what you can expect at Summers Corner:
- Parks, parks, and more parks! At Summers Corner, we haven’t been shy about our deep and abiding love of the Lowcountry landscape. We partner with renowned landscape architects to design outdoor spaces that celebrate the flora and fauna of our beautiful town while also offering a variety of experiences for homeowners. A number of new parks are being completed as we speak, and we can’t wait to show you!
- Pool grand opening. Homeowners will be dipping their toes into the Summers Corner pool for the very first time! Since we last shared a photo, we’ve added a splash pad, shady seating, and other accoutrements sure to make this the spring and summer hot spot at Summers Corner.
- Shopping & dining. In 2016, many cups of coffee were had over what our future shopping and dining areas will look like. Look for news on our village center in 2017.
- Even more home options. Spring at Summers Corner is always a beautiful sight, and this year will be no exception. What will be new this spring: a slew of home plans designed with modern living in mind. Sign up on our interest list to be among the first to see plans as they are rolled out!
- Growing minds. Sand Hill Elementary is in its inaugural year, and we’ve loved seeing little backpacks bobbing through our community on their way to school. We caught up with Principal Wally Baird a few weeks ago (watch to find out more about SHES). The new homes for Rollings Middle School of the Arts and the Performing Arts Center are well underway. We’ll be sharing updates as both take shape!
- Fun events. Our 2017 event plan is taking shape, and we couldn’t be more excited. We can’t reveal too much just yet, but let’s just say bourbon, birds, and bluegrass may be involved!
- Café delights. Chef JA Moore is putting his head together with Charleston’s best and brightest to bring more locally-inspired fare to Corner House Café. We’re even noodling on a few ideas for pop-up dinners, bringing the region’s most popular chefs to Summers Corner. Yum!
There’s so much in store for 2017 – we hope you’ll be following along here on the blog, catching updates on Facebook, and getting a glimpse of life at Summers Corner on our Instagram.