Fishing tips from the best of the best: Jennifer and Jason Schall

We were thrilled to have Jennifer and Jason Schall join us recently for A Day at Buffalo Lake. These master anglers and friends of Summers Corner love to share their expertise and passion for the sport.
Jennifer and Jason both hold multiple fresh and saltwater World Records, with Jennifer most recently snagging #4 Female Angler in the World by the International Game Fish Association for 2018 and Outstanding Ecology Award of the year for female anglers in 2017. That same year, Jason was listed #1 Male Angler in the World, received the Outstanding Ecology Award of the year for male anglers in 2017, was the first American to ever win the International Sportsmanship Award, is the only person in history to win the award twice. He’s also the only person to simultaneously hold world records for North America’s two largest freshwater fish. whew
So when we say master anglers, there’s no exaggeration needed!
Missed the chance to speak with them? Worry not, we captured some of their best advice here – Read on!
What should be in every tackle box?
Our tackle box contents vary depending on the type of fishing we plan to do, but we always have some basic items. Always bring extra hooks, lures, and weights – it’s inevitable that a fish will break your line, so you’ll need supplies to replace anything that gets lost. Also, carry a pair of scissors and a pair of pliers – the pliers can help secure a weight on your line, and can also assist in removing a hook from a fish’s mouth. A bait knife is a must if you are planning to use live bait, and a towel comes in handy to wipe off fish slime! A landing net is helpful to bring in a catch without breaking your line or harming the fish. Other non-essential items we carry with us are a measuring tape to record length, and our conservation tags and tag guns in case we catch any species that are part of SCDNR’s game fish tagging program.
Key points for every beginner AND the avid angler.
Do research on the types of lures you use to really understand how to reel it in once you cast your line. Some lures work best with a slow retrieve, a fast retrieve, or something in the middle.
Maintain separate tackle boxes for different types of fishing to stay organized and make it easy to pack for a fishing trip. For example, we have separate boxes made up for freshwater and saltwater fishing and we have our lures organized by target species.
Understand how to properly handle a fish, especially the species you are targeting. For example, you don’t want to grab a fish by its mouth if it has teeth! Also, know how to hold a fish – never hold a heavy fish by its mouth and let it hang – you are likely to break its jaw which will doom the fish, especially if you want to release it. Always try to hold it in a horizontal position for pictures before safely releasing it.
Know the limits! Check the SCDNR website ( for the laws, rules, and regulations for keeping fish that you catch. The rules are in place to conserve species, so they will be around for years to come, and they may change frequently based on the conditions of our fisheries here in South Carolina.
What is your favorite spot to fish in the low country (beside Buffalo Lake, of course)?
Buffalo Lake is a gorgeous body of water, and the Summers Corner residents are really fortunate to have access as part of their amenities. We also enjoy fishing in Lake Moultrie – there are some incredible bass and catfish roaming those waters! Saltwater fishing is equally important to us, and so we frequent the inshore streams and canals near the coast.
Best bait for freshwater like Buffalo Lake, and why?
Nightcrawlers or big red worms will attract bass, and they can be found in local gas stations, or even at Walmart! Shiners will also work well, but they are a little harder to find in our area. Plastic worms are always a favorite – hook them in the middle, and then make them “dance” in the water as you do a slow retrieve – a hungry bass can’t pass it up! Check out “wacky rig worms” online for more how-to videos and instructions on this technique which is used by some of the greatest bass fishermen of all time!
Their awards and titles make them experts, but their time and dedication make them friends! Follow them and learn more about their adventures at On the Water with the Schalls.