Gardening Resolutions for Thriving Flowers and Veggies

By this time in January, many have abandoned a number of New Year resolutions.
But don’t fear – you can still resolve to be a better gardener in 2016! We recently welcomed Clemson Master Gardener Judy Larocque to the Corner House for guidance on how we can be better gardeners.
Here’s a slightly pruned list:
- Get a soil test. There is not a single action you can take that will do more to improve your soil – and your results. Once you have the dirt on your dirt, you can add only what your garden needs. Clemson Extension can help.
- Live Greener in 2016! Plant more native varieties and honor the time-tested practices of gardening in Coastal Carolina.
- Mind the details as you plan. Consider crop rotation for veggies, appropriate sun exposure, drainage and soil chemistry. Good planning makes for good gardens.
- Prune early – before leaves are on the plants!
- Weed early and often. Weeding is best done as needed – not once things have become unruly.
- Accept and correct prior mistakes. This is the year to remove that giant shrub you prune and grumble over every year. Replace it with a smaller one and grumble less.
- Branch out! Grow a new plant this year. Grow something edible. Have fun and explore. After all, there’s little more exciting than an heirloom tomato in a big container.
- Start your seeds at the right time. Just read your package instructions for all the clues you need to a proper start.
- Visit as many gardens as you can to see what works for others. As any gardener knows, ours is a hobby defined in part by cooperation and in part by competition.
- Enjoy your yard whenever you have an opportunity!
Judy also reminded us of the valuable resource that is the Master Gardener program. A beautiful, successful garden is only a phone call away! And for those living at Summers Corner, a short stroll to the Homestead.