Why you should make the move to Summerville

In Root, the Summers Corner Journal, guest writer and life-long Summerville resident Jana Riley writes, “In a world dominated by a million distractions, to live in a place that collectively eschews the fast pace for just-the-right pace feels like a blessing.”
Few sentences have so accurately captured the atmosphere of our sweet town. There is really, truly something special about Summerville – this community of people who revel in coming together as one. Stopping and talk to one another, sharing pieces of their life, heart, and soul with strangers and friends. It’s a beautiful place to be.
If you still need more convincing this is the place for you, we’ve put together a short list of reasons we think you might like to call this community home, too.
Neighborly by nature– You’ll find genuine Southern hospitality at every turn. A friendly wave here, a warm smile there. Maybe even a “welcome to the neighborhood” pie. When you move to Summerville you won’t feel like the “new family in town.” You are simply, “neighbor.”
A new adventure every day – You’ll quickly find that living in Summerville puts you at the center of an extraordinary variety of experiences. Lakes and trails and opportunities to explore the flora and fauna of the Lowcountry abound. Restaurants are locally flavored and utterly delicious. And occasions to come together with your neighbors are aplenty. The spring Flowertown Festival, the Fourth of July celebration in Gahagan Park, weekly Farmers’ Markets, and monthly “Third Thursday” parties in Hutchinson square, to name a few. Venture farther out for easy day trip to the beach, marvel at the extraordinary streets of downtown Charleston, or spend an afternoon at a historic plantation.
A top school district– High-quality schools are non-negotiable in Summerville. Summers Corner will have two outstanding schools right in the community – Sand Hill Elementary and the acclaimed Middle School of the Arts. And Ashley Ridge High School is nearby for teens. These are Dorchester District 2 schools, one of the best-rated districts in the state. Because nothing is as important as nurturing young minds.
Homes: both old and new– If homes at Summers Corner seem a little familiar, it’s because we looked to the historic homes of Summerville for inspiration. Gardenwall and Archer are the first two Summers Corner neighborhoods that accommodate modern living with a local, charming flavor. From spacious, eloquent porches, to the high quality appliances, we have found the ideal mixture of taking the historical Summerville beauty, and introducing them to the 21st century. Residents will be greeted with beautiful amenities and a multitude of parks. When paired with a carefully designed streetscape, you have the perfect balance of the old, and the new.
The future is bright – It is an exciting time to move to Summerville. New schools, great job opportunities, and beautiful homes are adding to the already pristine town.
We like to think that there are as many reasons to move here as there are people. Balance. Nature. Family. Community. Lifelong learning. The simple joys of the Lowcountry. Make the move to Summerville. We have a place just for you.