Respite by water and woods: Yoga at Buffalo Lake

For many, time spent by water and woods offers a welcome respite from the rest of the world. It provides a sense of solitude that settles the mind and energizes the body.
We channeled the peacefulness of water and woods in a big way at Summers Corner’s yoga event last Saturday, with the background of Buffalo Lake putting on a fantastic show of early spring flora and fauna. Freshly green leaves on the trees, birds skimming over the lake, an alligator lurking quietly in the water – nature was on full display as we did “lake salutations” and practiced warrior pose. Tree pose, in particular, felt fitting as we took inspiration from the towering pines that surround the lake.
April McLean of the Summerville Family YMCA led guests in our first fitness event at Summers Corner, tailoring her instruction to all levels in the class – from first timers to licensed instructors – and helping us reconnect to our bodies and natural world around us.
Following the class we sampled juices from Blue Barn Juice Co. Blue Barn uses the cold-pressed process to get 3 pounds of active nutrients in a 16 oz. bottle. By using a hydraulic pressure and no heat, they are able to preserve the vitamins, proteins, and nutrients that these foods are packed with. Blue Barn strives to be 100% organic and 100% local to the Carolinas – which is just the way we like it!
We were encouraged by the positive feedback from our yogis-for-the-day – and are looking at ways to incorporate more fitness into our event schedule, particularly with beautiful Buffalo Lake as the backdrop. Stay tuned for more information!
Learn more about the Summers Corner community and homes for sale in Summerville, SC.